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Nook is a community by players, for players.

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Browse our directory and network with other players to find inspiration, discover new locales, make friends, hire services, find clients, and more!


• A home & venue database made by locale owners.

• Filter by data center, hours, tags, and more.

• Search for upcoming events by event dates.

• Add your own home or venue to share with others.


• A housing design database made by designers.

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• A gposing database made by photographers.

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Nook is a community by players, for players.

Each page you’ll find on this site is published and maintained by players just like you.

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All users have their own account so content can be updated as they please; no waiting or contacting us required.

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Featured Nook

Featured Nook

Housing Designer, Faerie Peach

Welcome back for another installment of Featured Nook! For this edition we’ve changed things up a bit and are focusing on a solo designer rather than a venue. To coincide with this we’ve added a few different sections to our interview, and a fresh set of questions that are in line with the new theme. We hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we did!

In anticipation of this month’s piece we reached out to the incredibly talented housing designer, Faerie Peach. Currently she is on hiatus from housing commissions, but she was kind enough to agree to collaborate with us for this article. Despite being a relatively new designer in FFXIV, Peach has quickly become quite prolific in the realm of housing. If you take a quick look at her work it’s easy to see why– blurring the lines of game and reality, her flawlessly clean builds would be at home in any contemporary design magazine.

Much of her work favors fairly minimalist open concept layouts, but looks can be deceiving. To the untrained eye her builds may not look like many different components at first glance; but those familiar with existing housing items could easily tell you that the amount of small details she incorporates is astounding. Layer upon layer of these intricate touches add a massive amount of sophistication and visual interest to her designs, imparting an element of realism that is not commonly seen in the world of FFXIV.

Peach expertly utilizes existing furnishings to create fusions that seamlessly blend together and become something completely new. Many of her builds feature modern appliances and sleek furniture that would not be out of place in a trendy coffee shop or high end home. Gorgeous color palettes and exceptional pops of color tie everything together; creating an extremely cohesive visual balance while maintaining a simple elegance that does not overwhelm the openness of her designs. Sweeping vistas and lovely windowscapes with fantastically detailed layering are another hallmark of many of her builds. Not only do they add a splash of opulence to her work, but they also give an illusion of depth and natural lighting that can easily make visitors forget that they are inside the confines of a house.

The amount of creativity, consideration, and research that goes into Peach’s work is absolutely inspiring; but her interaction with fellow housing enthusiasts is equally admirable. She’s always happy to share her expertise and techniques with anyone who asks. Her Twitter has countless break-it-downs, and many players have gone on to happily implement the things they have learned from her in their own builds. In the short amount of time she’s been active in the housing world, she’s made a substantial impact and has truly been a boon to the community.

All in all it was an absolute delight to talk to Peach; we definitely recommend that you browse past her work and give her builds a visit if you have the opportunity! Read on for our full interview, and be sure to check out the socials below!

Welcome back for another installment of Featured Nook! For this edition we’ve changed things up a bit and are focusing on a solo designer rather than a venue. To coincide with this we’ve added a few different sections to our interview, and a fresh set of questions that are in line with the new theme. We hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we did!

In anticipation of this month’s piece we reached out to the incredibly talented housing designer, Faerie Peach. Currently she is on hiatus from housing commissions, but she was kind enough to agree to collaborate with us for this article. Despite being a relatively new designer in FFXIV, Peach has quickly become quite prolific in the realm of housing. If you take a quick look at her work it’s easy to see why– blurring the lines of game and reality, her flawlessly clean builds would be at home in any contemporary design magazine.

Much of her work favors fairly minimalist open concept layouts, but looks can be deceiving. To the untrained eye her builds may not look like many different components at first glance; but those familiar with existing housing items could easily tell you that the amount of small details she incorporates is astounding. Layer upon layer of these intricate touches add a massive amount of sophistication and visual interest to her designs, imparting an element of realism that is not commonly seen in the world of FFXIV.

Peach expertly utilizes existing furnishings to create fusions that seamlessly blend together and become something completely new. Many of her builds feature modern appliances and sleek furniture that would not be out of place in a trendy coffee shop or high end home. Gorgeous color palettes and exceptional pops of color tie everything together; creating an extremely cohesive visual balance while maintaining a simple elegance that does not overwhelm the openness of her designs. Sweeping vistas and lovely windowscapes with fantastically detailed layering are another hallmark of many of her builds. Not only do they add a splash of opulence to her work, but they also give an illusion of depth and natural lighting that can easily make visitors forget that they are inside the confines of a house. 

The amount of creativity, consideration, and research that goes into Peach’s work is absolutely inspiring; but her interaction with fellow housing enthusiasts is equally admirable. She’s always happy to share her expertise and techniques with anyone who asks. Her Twitter has countless break-it-downs, and many players have gone on to happily implement the things they have learned from her in their own builds. In the short amount of time she’s been active in the housing world, she’s made a substantial impact and has truly been a boon to the community. 

All in all it was an absolute delight to talk to Peach; we definitely recommend that you browse past her work and give her builds a visit if you have the opportunity! 

Read on for our full interview, and be sure to check out the socials below!

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