Greetings Nook!
First off, thank you for joining us! Our little community has steadily been growing all the time, and it has been so exciting to see more and more Locales being added to our directory. The amount of creativity that was poured into each and every page you’ve created on Nook is just amazing! It’s been an absolute joy to see our collection expand to encompass every data center across all of the NA servers. We hope you’ve been able to make use of our site to explore new Locales and find fantastic communities on your ⟪traveling⟫ adventures!
In order to better support the community, we have decided to expand the features that Nook has to offer! In the upcoming month, we will be adding two different sectors to our site. We’ve written brief descriptions of both of them to share with you today; but please keep in mind they are still not completely finalized so everything here is subject to change.
• Design
This portion of the site will be dedicated to all the housing designers in our community. All users will be free to create a Design Portfolio, which serves as both a collection of past work and an information hub for potential clients.
• Photography
This new area of the site will be very similar to the Designer section, but instead will focus on players who enjoy photography through gpose. All users can create a Photography Portfolio, which serves as both a collection of past work and an information hub for potential clients.
Each of the new site areas will have their own directories, just like our present Explore page. They will both have the functionality to search by things like player name, service areas, commission status, and commission types.
It is our sincere hope that the addition of these features will better connect players and become a helpful tool for those of you that are seeking design or photography clients or services in game. We look forward to supporting you in your endeavors!
2022 © All Rights Reserved.
Nook is a community tool and claims no affiliation with SQUARE ENIX.
FINAL FANTASY XIV ©2010-2022 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.