Community Guidelines

Here are some guidelines to keep in mind while using the site and interacting with your fellow community members. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!

• Be respectful.

Treat others with the courtesy they deserve. You are free to leave both positive and negative reviews on this platform, but you can give feedback without being rude. We also ask that you be respectful of our guidelines as a whole, and make use of the report button if you ever feel it is appropriate to do so.

• Keep all content posted here at a PG-13 level.
This site is meant to be for all members of our community. As such, we strive to strike a positive balance among our older and younger users. We welcome users to make use of our 18+ tag, and leave a bit to imagination whenever possible.


• Do not submit content that you do not personally have rights to.
Please do not submit any material that you do not own or have not been authorized to post. If you are submitting content on behalf of someone, please make sure you have first cleared it with all necessary parties.


• Screenshots of mods or other third party tools are posted at your own risk.
Due to the fact that mods are not currently endorsed by Final Fantasy XIV’s terms of service, all posts containing third party mods are done so at your own risk.


• Do not submit screenshots containing the HUD/UI.
We encourage you to make use of gpose to create interesting and dynamic images with no HUD/UI. We would also prefer that you keep the native FFXIV watermark visible in screenshots so you are in compliance with copyright laws, removing it is done at your own risk. 


• DO help us keep our information current!
This site is made to serve this community. If you are closing your Locale in game, please remove your listing on our site as well. If you encounter a Locale that is no longer open, please report it so we can review it. Thanks for your cooperation!

2022 © All Rights Reserved.
Nook is a community tool and claims no affiliation with SQUARE ENIX.
FINAL FANTASY XIV ©2010-2022 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.